Degree Works is a web-based, degree-auditing and tracking tool that enables students and advisors to evaluate academic progress towards graduation in accordance to university and major requirements. 

Any questions not answered by the tutorials or FAQs may be directed to .

Training for Students and Advisors

Training for Advisors Only


A Degree Works Audit is a review of past, current and currently registered for coursework that provides information on completed and outstanding requirements necessary to fulfill a degree/major/minor.

  • Go to .
  • Click the Banner Web tab then login to secure area
  • Enter your Username [This is your 9-digit student number]
  • Enter your 6-digit PIN .
    • If this is your first time on BannerWeb, your PIN will be your birth date in the format: MMDDYY . After you login for the first time, you will be prompted to enter a new pin
  • Click Login
  • Select the  Student Services and Financial Aid tab
  • Select the Degree Works link

  • Go to .
  • Click the  Banner Web  tab then login to secure area
  • Enter your  Username  [This is your 9-digit student number]
  • Enter your 6-digit  PIN .
    • If this is your first time on Banner Web, your  PIN  will be your birth date in the format:  MMDDYY . After you login for the first time, you will be prompted to enter a new pin
  • Click  Login
  • Select the  Faculty Services tab
  • Select the  Student Menu link
  • Select the  Degree Works  link

Degree Works is a tool to assist you with planning and tracking your progress towards your degree. A transcript is your official university record. Your Audit is not your academic transcript and it is not official notification of completion of your requirements.

At least four times a semester. You should review your Audit at the following times: 1. Before you meet with your advisor. 2. After you register to ensure the courses apply to your requirements as you expected (Audits refresh every morning with changes occurring since the previous morning). 3. After your grades are posted. 4. Any time you make changes to your schedule. It’s important to review your Audit frequently, especially before and after you schedule courses or receive grades. This helps ensure you are taking the correct courses and are on track to graduate on-time. Remember, changing your schedule or completing a course with a grade lower than the minimum required for a requirement may impact your degree progress.

Degree Works opens automatically to the Student View of your Audit. Your graduation requirements are organized into blocks, based on type (Ex: core curriculum, math and science, leadership curriculum, major, general electives, etc.). These blocks are summarized at the top of your Audit in your Degree Block. As you look at requirements, click on the course number to view more information, such as prerequisites, course descriptions and section information.

Courses that are either Failed (F), Failed due to non attendance (WF or WN), Incomplete (I), No Credit (NC) or Withdrawn (W).

Courses that are remedial to your program or are ESL (English as a Second Language).

Courses that you have taken and passed, but do not count towards your degree, and courses you are excused from taking. Keep in mind that if you have multiple majors declared, these courses may count towards your other declared major(s). Any request for an exception must be made through your academic department.

Contact your academic department. Students will be emailed directly by the Registrar’s Office after the course exception/substitution is approved and applied to their Audit.

Audits update every morning around 4 a.m.

Look at the Academic Program information next to your name at the top of the screen. You’ll notice that the Academic Program box has a drop-down box. Use this to select your other major(s).

You need to formally declare the missing major/concentration/minor at the One Stop Center.

Many requirements in Degree Works are concentration-driven. If you have not declared a concentration you will need to formally declare the missing major/concentration/minor at the One Stop Center.

You can view your Audit two other ways – Registration Checklist or Graduation Checklist. To change views, select an option from the format dropdown and then select the View button. The Registration Checklist shows a concise list of the courses you still need to take. The Graduation Checklist is a condensed, quicker but less-detailed view of the Student View.

Faculty and staff who advise you may periodically make notes regarding registration, transfer courses, future term plans, etc. This information is meant to be helpful to you and to others you may be working with academically. Anyone who has access to your record in Degree Works can view the notes displayed there.

Yes. Degree Works is accessed through your secure Banner Web log in. Advisors, faculty and selected staff will also have access for the purpose of supporting your progress through your academic career. Your Degree Works Audit is part of your Educational Record and is protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). As with any other personal information that you access online, you should be sure to logout of your account before leaving a public computer.

The "What If" function allows students to see how their previously taken courses would apply to a different major or minor. Be sure to also include a specific concentration if the degree you are inquiring about requires one to be declared.

The Term GPA Calculator will show students' estimated cumulative GPA after filling in hypothetical grade information. By entering their current earned credits and GPA and placing the in-progress courses in the table (this all will default) along with the grades anticipated for current courses, students will see a revised cumulative GPA based on the estimates provided. The GPA calculator does not account for Lawrence Tech’s repeat policy.

The Look-Ahead feature allows students to enter a list of classes and see where they might apply on your Audit. It is a great tool to use as part of the registration process. Students can see how a course will be used before they actually register for it.

Your first point of contact should be your academic advisor. If your advisor is unable to resolve your questions they will contact the appropriate person in the Office of the Registrar. You may also submit e-mail questions to